Episode 31
Breaking Down Barriers With Jess Caire
What would the world look like if we all worked together and supported one another? It would probably look a bit like jesscaire.com. The world according to Jess Caire is inspired by a future in which her two children are judged not on their gender, but on how hard they work, their values and beliefs. Society has evolved ideals to which we're supposed to aspire, whether we like it or not. However, as a self-confessed "over-achieving people pleaser", Jess found that she had to let go of these impossible expectations she'd set for herself when she became a mother.
Believing that she couldn't be the only woman struggling as she was, she began to share her vulnerability online, attaching to it a sense of worth rather than a sense of shame. Her community is about empowering women, getting them to believe in themselves and each other, because only by working together can we break down gender barriers and create a unified response.
In today's episode of Be The Drop, Jess talks openly about her own emotional journey from feeling failure to empowerment, reveals how she deals with trolls, plus the importance of building a safe space in order to encourage communication...
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